Sponsorship & Donation Request Form

Giving Policy:
Peach State C.A.R.E.S. so that our members and communities may continue to grow.
Peach State shows that we care by reinvesting directly into the community through donations to charitable organizations, and support for the arts and education.
Gifts are presented throughout our service area, and recipients are selected by Peach State staff and volunteer Board members. We make every effort to ensure that selections are distributed equitably; however, preference is given to organizations that best align with our Giving Policy and Corporate Social Responsibility Promise which promotes the Cornerstones of Citizenship:

Sponsorship Criteria
- Requests for sponsorship should be in our Field of Membership.
- Please submit requests 30 days prior to print or payment deadlines as they must go through a review process prior to approval
- Sponsorships will not be provided to:
- Individuals
- Political candidates
- Individual sports teams or organizations