When people are looking for a credit card, there are a lot of factors that need to be considered. While many people are familiar with how important it is to consider interest rates, annual fees, and penalties, it is also a good idea to take a look at the rewards that the card offers. Credit card companies make money when their customers swipe their cards. Therefore, they will often offer rewards to incentivize the customer to use their card. Of course, like the cards themselves, there are a number of important factors to consider when looking for credit card rewards. Not all rewards are created equally and it is important to find the rewards that best suit your spending style. With this goal in mind, there are several broad categories of rewards that we’ll cover in depth below.
Credit card travel rewards are among the most popular rewards. Traveling can be expensive and between flights, hotel rooms, and restaurants, there are opportunities for credit card companies to partner with the travel industry to offer valuable rewards to their customers. When considering travel rewards, there are a number of important points to consider:
Cashback cards are another popular option for those looking for a credit card. These rewards can be more straightforward and are much easier to understand than some other reward categories. Therefore, this category of rewards has become more popular. If you’re considering a cashback credit card, it is important to keep a few points in mind:
There are also a few points of caution that you may want to consider:
Cashback cards are great for those who are looking for their first credit card with rewards, however, it is also important to find a rewards card that fits your spending habits.
There is a less common category of credit card rewards called the rotating category. Some people might be drawn to this category because of the prospect of higher percentages on certain items they purchase on a regular basis. These cards can be viewed as offering a "promotion" on certain categories of items at various times throughout the year. The high percentage of cashback or points on certain common items such as food, gas, and travel is attractive to many people.
On the other hand, there are some times of the year when people might not purchase the "promotion" regularly enough to receive the benefit. As a result, they might feel like they are missing out on the rewards. They might even feel swayed and buy that item unnecessarily. Furthermore, some cards require you to "opt-in" for the rewards that cycle. If people don't opt in, then they don't have access to that particular promotion. Simply forgetting to do so can cost someone dearly. Keep this in mind when considering a rotating rewards card.
Another common rewards category involves credit card points. The cards advertise their points in all sorts of ways and the large number of points can make them seem attractive. On the other hand, it is always a good idea to dive a little bit deeper and investigate the true value of these points a little more closely.
All of these points are important to consider when looking for a points-based credit card rewards system.
Finally, those who are looking for a rewards credit card need to remember that the rewards should not change their spending habits. If this happens, people will simply end up spending more money than they should, just to chase down credit card rewards. It is better to find a rewards credit card that aligns with your spending habits, helping you find ways to earn discounts and extra money on items that you already purchase. To find the right credit card, take a look at where the money is going. Then, find a credit card that offers the best rewards in this area.
Peach State offers a variety of VISA® credit cards to fit your life, including cards with rewards!