Dollars & Sense

10 Self Care Ideas For a Positive Mind, Body, and Soul

Written by Peach State Federal Credit Union | Feb 19, 2023 5:00:00 AM

There is no better way to start the new year than to spend some time taking care of YOU! Do not underestimate the benefits of having a positive mindset, a healthy body, and a peaceful soul. Self-care is truly the ultimate gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. A healthy you means a better person for yourself and those you care about.

What is Self-Care?

Self-care can come in different forms for people. At its core, self-care means that you are taking the time to take care of yourself so that you can live a happier life in a variety of ways. Self-care includes making your days less stressful by having a clear mind with a positive attitude, a strong and healthy body, and a peaceful soul that allows you to be all that you can and want to be on a daily basis. 

Make Sure You're Meeting Your Basic Needs

Practicing self-care is crucial for you to be your best self. So much in fact that you may remember learning about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in your college psychology class. This theory includes self-actualization, esteem, love/belonging, and our physical and safety needs. If you find that you don't have the basic things you need like sleep, food, love, exercise, healthcare, security, and self-worth, it might be time for a little self-care to help you start living your best life.

Here are some excellent self-care ideas to help you look and feel your very best in 2023 and beyond.

10 Self-Care Ideas for Your Mind, Body, and Soul 


1. Set Your Intentions

Make it a plan to have a positive mindset and reach your goals by working on your intentions on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. There are many studies that have shown when you write down your intentions, dreams, and goals, you're more likely to work toward them. Setting intentions also gets you in the right frame of mind to take positive steps for yourself. 

2. Workout Just for Yourself

Get moving to have a better mind and body. Try to do something physical every day to release those endorphins because physical activity is so good for you in so many ways. With so much pressure (thanks, social media) to “look” a certain way, finding a way to work out that YOU enjoy is a way to make workouts more personal. From cardio dance to a challenging strength training session, there is no wrong workout as long as you're enjoying the process. 

3. Clean Your Living Spaces

Clutter causes stress! It may be time to clean your home, declutter, and make a peaceful place for yourself to relax. A clean home truly opens your mind, relaxes you, and makes you feel better. 

4. Meditate and Stretch

Meditation has a variety of benefits including those that help you focus on the present moment for deep relaxation. When combined with a motivating stretch routine, you'll reap the benefits you need to help your mind and body recharge. This is also a great pre-bedtime activity to help relax your muscles before getting a good night’s sleep. 

5. Cook Yourself a Delicious Meal at Least Once a Week

Cooking is a great form of self-care as well as care for others. Whether you enjoy cooking with friends, for your family, or yourself – cooking your favorite meal is an excellent way to feed your body, mind, and soul. Make the experience extra special by creating a “theme” for your meal each week. Bonus – this also allows you to explore other cultures and their delicious foods! 

6. Write Down Things You're Grateful For

Taking the time to write down the things you're thankful for is a great way to realize all of the wonderful things in your life. Simply writing down three things you're grateful for each day helps you appreciate what you have, which leads to feeling more optimistic and healthier. Writing things down also forces you to think and reflect on small day-to-day wins. Small moments of gratitude are the ultimate self-care for the soul.

7. Learn Something New Every Day 

Expand your mind by learning something new every day. Even something as simple as an interesting new fact or how to spell a tricky word can really keep your mind sharp and help you feel better. 

8. Read Outside Your Normal Comfort Zone

Reading is a great way to expand your mind and learn new things. Try reading more and at different times. Step out of your normal comfort zone and read about unique subjects that may spark a new interest. Reading is also a great way to de-stress and take a mental break when you're feeling overwhelmed. 

9. Ramp Up Your Fruit and Veggie Consumption

The old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” is more truth than rumor. Adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet helps your mind and body be as strong as possible and is one of the easiest self-care ideas that anyone can do. Finding delicious ways to incorporate vegetables in your day-to-day diet is a fun challenge that may result in some long-lasting and healthy additions to your go-to recipe stash. 

10. Treat Yourself

You deserve to be spoiled sometimes. Indulge in whatever makes you happy and enjoy the rewards of self-care. Spend the day at your favorite place, relax with a massage, or treat yourself to dinner at your favorite restaurant for no other reason than it makes you feel good, and you’re worth it!

Start Practicing Self-Care Today!

Today is the day for a happier and healthier you. Invest in yourself and practice these self-care ideas in the new year and beyond to help you feel better, motivate you, help you reach your goals, and live your best life starting today.