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5 Practices to Rejuvenate Yourself During the Holidays

Dec 22, 2022
Parents and children smiling by a holiday tree wrapped in holiday lights

The holidays are the most wonderful and one of the busiest times of the year. The to-do list can seem never-ending, booked calendars are overwhelming and it seems unlikely that there’s a free moment to spare.

The holidays might be busy but it’s important to build in time for rejuvenation so you can cherish every moment of this special time of year. Here are 5 simple ways to relax your mind, body, and soul that will recharge you during the busy holiday season.


1. Practice Mindfulness for Healing Your Mind & Soul

Juggling holiday tasks can feel like a balancing act of sharing in important events and preparing for the new year. This can lead to added pressures which increases our stress levels because we’re so heavily focused on all that needs to be done.

Practicing mindfulness teaches us how to stay calm during demanding situations. Mindfulness is the practice of focusing on one’s awareness of the present moment. When you find yourself in an emotional situation, take a moment to just pause and breathe, make note of what you’re feeling and identify it, then let it go. Working through your feelings keeps negative emotions from festering inside which allows you to free your mind and be more at ease.Backlit of woman sitting on the beack in mediation with the sunsetting behind her

2. Savor in Solitude

When your mind is feeling flooded with

 thoughts, meditation is a great practice to help slow down and regain your serenity. Meditation helps improve memory, attention, mood, and creativity. Allow yourself a few moments of “me time” each day to bask in solitude. Take a few deep inhales and exhales and focus only on your breathwork. Breathwork helps regulate and balance your nervous system which helps calm your mind, body, and soul.


3. Powerup Your Passions

It’s easy to get caught up in all the daily stuff when tackling our to-do list for the holidays. That’s why it’s a must to take a few minutes and do something that makes your soul happy. Whether it’s learning something new, journaling, or exploring your artistic side, igniting your passions can soothe your soul.

Consider trying one of these soulful joys to power up a passion:

  • Volunteering
  • Singing or dancing
  • Painting or crafting
  • Photography
  • Listening to music or a podcast

Senior couple walking bicycle in  the forest during the fall smiling

4. Nourishment Fuels Better Sleep

Sleep is one of the obvious and biggest factors that increases our energy levels throughout the day. Getting good sleep reduces stress, removes toxins, and helps your body maintain a strong immune system. Whether it’s hitting the sheets a few minutes earlier, relaxing in bed a few moments longer, or sneaking in a quick nap during the day, allowing your body to restore its energy levels will help keep you recharged and moving forward.

Making healthier choices in the types of food we consume can lead to feeling less sluggish and better sleep. Foods that are rich in vitamin D, good fats like omega-3 that you’ll find in salmon and walnuts as well as lean meats for protein can contribute to a better night’s sleep. To learn more about nutrients that contribute to better sleep, check out this article by ‘Eating Well.’


5. Move Your Muscles, Change Your Thoughts

Exercising may sound like work, but it doesn’t have to be. One of the great things about moving your body and getting active is that there’s something for everyone. Exercising doesn’t have to be intense and strenuous; simply aim to increase your heart rate. Activities like walking with the dog, shooting hoops, or doing yoga are great ways to get your muscles moving and increase your heart rate. Moving your muscles is great for your body but also your mind because it releases endorphins in your brain. When you release endorphins, it helps reduce stress and improves your mood!

Remember, allowing yourself time to recharge is essential for your mind, body, and soul. Whether it’s taking a few minutes to step outside or meditate, allow yourself the space you need to rejuvenate so you can be present and treasure each special moment with your family, loved ones, and friends.

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