The Best Savings Account for Kids has Arrived!
Kids Savings Account Features
The Berenstain Bears Financial Literacy Program Cub Account teaches youth good financial habits that will last a lifetime by focusing on one simple concept: Save, Share, Spend, Earn.
- Up to Age 13 Children from birth to age 13 can open a Cub Account and get rewarded for saving.
- Earn Interest Children earn 3.00% APY on their first $100 of savings deposited.1
- $5 Mininum Balance Our low minimum balance requirement makes this account affordable.
- Welcome Kit Each child receives a book and piggy bank to encourage good savings habits.
1 Annual Percentage Yield (APY). 3.00% APY on balances up to $100.00; 0.05% APY on balances $100.01 and higher. Rates may change after the account is opened. Terms, conditions and services are subject to change without notice. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Certain restrictions may apply. Subject to membership availability. Penalties may apply for early withdrawals.
The Berenstain Bears® Copyright, Berenstain Enterprises, Inc. 2024

Kids Savings
Account Rates
We encourage good saving habits by offering dividends on deposits. Learning money management is fun and rewarding with the best children's savings account!
*APY – Annual Percentage Yield. Rates may change after the account is opened. Terms, conditions, and services are subject to change without notice. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Certain restrictions may apply. Subject to membership eligibility. Penalties may apply for early withdrawals.
Cub Account Rates
$100.01 & Over
*APY – Annual Percentage Yield. Rates may change after the account is opened. Terms, conditions, and services are subject to change without notice. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Certain restrictions may apply. Subject to membership eligibility. Penalties may apply for early withdrawals.

The Best Savings Account for Kids
The journey towards a successful financial future starts now! On top of learning new financial habits that will reward your child for years to come, we manage to have some fun too!
- Bring your piggy bank back during your birthday month and we'll match your savings up to $10!2
- Cub Account members and their parents can visit for games and other fun activities.
2 Must be current Cub Account holder. Must present coupon and Berenstain Bears piggy bank. Standard coin machine fee will be waived, only for the purposes of this coupon. Penalties may apply for early withdrawals.
Berenstain Bears Coloring Page
Get your free, printable Berenstain Bears Coloring Page here.
Berenstain Bears Double Puzzle Page
Check out this super fun Berenstain Bears Double Puzzle Page!
Berenstain Bears EARN Activity
Learn how kids can earn money with the Berenstain Bears EARN Activity.
Berenstain Bears SAVE Activity
Practice using coins to help Brother and Sister save with the Berenstain Bears SAVE Activity.
Berenstain Bears SHARE Activity
Sharing is caring! Answer these thought-provoking questions about sharing in the Berenstain Bears SHARE Activity.
Berenstain Bears SPEND Activity
An easy-to-understand lesson in basic budgeting and money management in the Berenstain Bears SPEND Activity.
Berenstain Bears Trouble with Money Word Search
The Berenstain Bears Trouble with Money Word Search is an accompanying worksheet for the Trouble With Money Lesson Plan.
Berenstain Bears Cub Account (Overview)
Learn more about the Berenstain Bears Cub Account and Financial Literacy Program at Peach State.
Berenstain Bears Trouble with Money (Lesson Plan)
This 45-minute lesson plan for grades K-3 is offered for free by the Credit Union Network for Financial Literacy.
Berenstain Bears Trouble with Money Word Search
The Berenstain Bears Trouble with Money Word Search is an accompanying worksheet for the Trouble With Money Lesson Plan.
Berenstain Bears Visit the Credit Union (Lesson Plan)
This Visit the Credit Union Lesson Plan is full of important information about banking for children ages 5 to 9.
Careers in Credit Unions
Explore how a Career in Credit Unions may be a great option for you, or your young adult children or students.